APSRTC Conductor & Driver Exam Syllabus Overview:
General Knowledge Syllabus
- Current affairs
- environment issues and disaster management
- geography and economics in AP
- political system in India
- general science every day in the life
- Andhra Pradesh’s culture, heritage, literature, arts and society
- modern Indian history
- Indian constitution
- Andhra Pradesh history and movement
- ANDHRA pradesh schemes and policies
APSRTC General English Syllabus
- Active Voice & Passive Voice
- Sentence Arrangement (ascending and Descending)
- Antonyms and Synonyms
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Sentence Completion
- Data Interpretation (table, chart)
- Sentence Arrangement
- Sentence Improvement
- Joining Sentences
- Error Correction (phrase in bold)
- Error Correction (underlined part)Fill in the blanks (one or two blanks)
- Idioms and Phrases
- Paragraph Completion
- Passage Completion
- Prepositions
- Spotting Errors(one or two)
APSRTC Mental Ability Syllabus
- Number System
- Profit and Loss
- Time and Work
- Time and Distance
- Average
- Percentage
- Simple Interest
- Compound Interest
- Ratio & Propagation
- Work and Wages
- Clocks and Calendars
- Partnership
- Mensuration
APSRTC Junior Assistant Exam Pattern
General Studies (SSC Standard)
- Events of national and international importance.
- Current affairs- international, national, and regional.
- General Science and its applications to day-to-day life Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and Information Technology.
- Social-economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
- Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
- Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention, and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability, and data interpretation.
- Data Analysis: a) Tabulation of data b) Visual representation of data c) Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance, and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
- Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/problems
English and Telugu
- Comprehension
- Usage and idioms
- Vocabulary and punctuation
- Logical re-arrangement of sentences
- Grammar
- Synonyms & Vocabulary
- Grammar of Telugu
- Telugu to English meanings
- English to Telugu meanings
- Usage and idiom of Telugu
Mechanical Supervisor & Traffic Supervisor Trainee Exam Pattern